Extracted from the records of the Lossiemouth Mutual Boat Insurance Club.
Managed by Lossie fishermen from abt 1870 to 1939
Year Proposal INS BOAT'S NAME Insurer 1 Insurer 2 Address Value Risk Currency
1894 140 32 Annie Jane Main Coddie John 200 150 4
1894 137 176 Beau Ideal Main Pow Alex 160 120 3
1894 134 37 Dolphin Main Delnies John 267 200 2
1894 136 1153 Excellent McKenzie Dey John 334 250 3
1894 58 361 Fear Not Main John 374 280 3
1899 108 2245 Gilly Flower Main Wallace Alex 400 300 4
1894 69 973 Helen Main More Elder John 214 160 3
1894 97 1334 Henry Smith More Daniel 400 300 1
1894 135 1155 Hero Main Chapman Wm 334 250 4
1894 59 449 Jessie Main McKenzie Junr D 334 250 3
1894 141 483 Maggie Raff Graham John Banker 267 200 2
1894 57 1160 Nil Desperandum Main Chapman Alex 374 280 6
1899 173 55 Oceanic Main Delnies J Jr 500 375 4
1895 161 1967 Onyx Main Chapman Wm 11 Church St 500 225 12
1894 139 317 Resolute More Elder Wm 300 225 5
1899 301 94 Sirdar Ralph Geo son Church St 500 200 3
1894 138 1698 Star of the Sea Main Alex Dunbar St 220 160 3
1894 249 56 Stormy Petrel Graham John Banker 347 260 2
1897 309 2451 Swell Ralph Geo McKenzie Jas 18 Church St 500 200 2
1900 302 274 Swift McKenzie Heather Dan jr 600 450 5
1900 116 234 Welcome McKenzie John 600 450 4
1899 112 60 Winsome More Elder Wm 500 375 4
1894 56 1152 Wm Findlay Main Tolmie D 240 180 3
32 Annie Jane Graham John Maggie Raff
37 Dolphin Graham John Stormy Petrel
55 Oceanic Main Alex Star of the Sea
56 Stormy Petrel Main Chapman Alex Nil Desperandum
60 Winsome Main Chapman Wm Hero
94 Sirdar Main Chapman Wm Onyx
176 Beau Ideal Main Coddie John Annie Jane
234 Welcome Main Delnies J Jr Oceanic
274 Swift Main Delnies John Dolphin
317 Resolute Main John Fear Not
361 Fear Not Main Pow Alex Beau Ideal
449 Jessie Main Main Tolmie D Wm Findlay
483 Maggie Raff Main Wallace Alex Gilly Flower
973 Helen Main McKenzie Dey John Excellent
1152 Wm Findlay McKenzie Heather Dan jr Swift
1153 Excellent McKenzie John Welcome
1155 Hero McKenzie Junr D Jessie Main
1160 Nil Desperandum More Daniel Henry Smith
1334 Henry Smith More Elder John Helen Main
1698 Star of the Sea More Elder Wm Resolute
1967 Onyx More Elder Wm Winsome
2245 Gilly Flower Ralph Geo Sirdar
2451 Swell Ralph Geo Swell